Wednesday 23 October 2024
12:00 AM |


A woman and her ten-year-old son deal, in their own way, with the death of the husband/father, who died at the factory where he worked, while all around them the anticipation and the concentration grow as everyone awaits the day of the funeral.

  • Italian
Production Year
Film Type
Production Countries
  • Italy
Chiara Martegiani, Renato Carpentieri, Stefano Dionisi, Arturo Marchetti, Milena Vukotic, Mattia Stramazzi, Walter Toschi, Giancarlo Porcacchia
Production Company
Kimerafilm, Rai Cinema
Premier Status
National premiere

Crew List

Valerio Mastandrea
Valerio Mastandrea
Enrico Audenino
DOP / Camera
Andrea Fastella
Mauro Bonanni
Riccardo Sinigallia
Filippo Barracco
Fabio D'Amico
Production Designer
Marta Maffucci
Simone Isola
Paolo Bogna

Festivals / Awards

2018: Torino Film Festival, Best Feature Film, Nominated, Italy
2018: David di Donatello Awards, Best New Director, Nominated, Italy


Valerio Mastandrea
Valerio Mastandrea


Film Critic

The story of unanswered questions

Ayda Moradi Ahani
Ayda Moradi Ahani

Mauro is dead and Carolina can’t cry even though she has a full box of tissues. Even when a woman suddenly showed up claiming she was the first love of Mauro’s life, still nothing has changed. Problem is that although people come to Carolina to show their sympathy or offer their condolences, but in reality, when they sit on her sofa, they are looking for being comforted in a way or so and this is Carolina who should do it. The main focus of Mastanderna’s movie is on our respond to death of our beloved ones. For Bruno, his father’s death raised lots of questions like what should he wear Is a German football sweater kit is decent for the ceremony What answers should he give to the reporter’s questions To Bruno, the father’s death service is a parade like school’s parades which should be flawless. While his mind is occupied with the service, his mother is looking for a way of mourning. Carolina even tries to imitate her mourning guests but still cannot shed one single tear. Why after thousands of years, mourning is still a big show for us Why those who don’t cry or don’t mourn are blamed to be cruel Why mourning can’t be different from one person to another just like showing happiness. After sudden death of a person who we didn’t tell our final words to or didn’t hear his/her final words, how can we mourn the same as we mourn for others who we don’t know that much. These are the questions that Mastanderna’s movie asks and at the same time tells us that people don’t simply leave the world after death but they leave behind a world of mystery; small secrets as simple as life. The feelings between Mauro and his son, the admirations of his old friend, memories of his first love, all stay behind. Things more important that mourning and crying.

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