Saturday 18 January 2025
2:47 PM |

Three Iranian Movies in FIFF Docs in Focus

Three Iranian Movies in FIFF Docs in Focus

The 2021 Fajr International Film Festival has announced the names of three documentary films made by Iranian directors that are participating in the Docs in Focus section.

According to the Secretariat of the annual event, the documentary films are as followed:

Isatis (75 Minutes)

Director: Alireza Dehghan

Synopsis: Isatis tells the story of a city in the middle of desert. It talks about the importance of water and religious tolerance between people that date back centuries.

About Director: Alireza Dehghan is a cinema graduate. He began making short and documentary films in 2002. Some of his films have won national and international awards, such as Osia, Calm in Stone, and Day 27.

Blour’s Time (90 Minutes)

Director: Amir Farzollahi

Synopsis: The Life of Bolour is a biography film about Mohammad Bolouri, a renowned Iranian journalist.

About Director: Amir Farzollahi is a journalist and film critic. He has written, produced and made several documentaries. They include This Is My Life and City Chaos.

Lost Whispers in the Distance (60 Minutes)

Director: Mansour Forouzesh

Synopsis: The documentary follows a group of Iranian and Afghan refugees in Serbia.

About Director: Mansour Forouzesh is a cinema graduate. He has made nine short and long documentaries. He is a film festival jury and writes reviews for movie magazines.

The 2021 FIFF is scheduled to get underway in the Iranian capital on May 26-June 2. This year’s event is presided over by Iranian film director and screenwriter Mohammad Mehdi Asgarpour. The festival is widely considered one of the most prestigious and influential in Asia, Europe and Greater Middle East.

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