Saturday 26 October 2024

Festival Of Festivals

Over The Sea

Films 2021

Language: Chinese
Runtime: 105 minutes
Year: 2019
Type: Feature
Country: China

Over The Sea

Director: Aoqian Sun

Films 2021

Language: Italian
Runtime: 122 minutes
Year: 2020
Type: Feature
Country: Italy


Director: Claudio Noce
Post Mortem

Films 2021

Language: Hungarian
Runtime: 115 minutes
Year: 2020
Type: Feature
Country: Hungary

Post Mortem

Director: Péter Bergendy

Films 2021

Language: Russian
Runtime: 100 minutes
Year: 2020
Type: Feature
Country: Russian Federation


Director: Dmitry Rudakov
The Blue girl

Films 2021

Language: Kurdish
Runtime: 81 minutes
Year: 2021
Type: Feature
Country: Iran, Islamic Republic of

The Blue girl

Director: Keivan Majidi
The Pit

Films 2021

Language: Latvian
Runtime: 90 minutes
Year: 2020
Type: Feature
Country: Finland, Latvia

The Pit

Director: Dace Puce
The Wasteland

Films 2021

Language: Persian (Farsi)
Runtime: 102 minutes
Year: 2020
Type: Feature
Country: Iran, Islamic Republic of

The Wasteland

Director: Ahmad Bahrami

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